Individual conditions for international online purchase contract INTERNATIONAL

The present particular conditions of the buy contract are applicable to the online sales made though the website (henceforth, WEBSITE) ownered byb CRIPTORO S.L. Located in Calle Goya, 7D 28001 Madrid Spain, coorporate number B 88527411 (henceforth CRIPTORO S.L.) TO THOSE CLIENTS LOCATED IN SPAIN, ANDORRA, GIBRALTAR OR PORTUGAL. For those case of sales out of national territory, Andorra, Gibraltar and Portugal, will be applied conditions of international online sale.

The use for client side of the propused services in the WEB SITE means, in every case, the acceptance of this Particular Conditions of the Online Buy Contract, in the published version by CRIPTORO S.L, in the same moment of the buy order. For this, is convenient, that the client reads this Particular Purchasing Conditions before to deciding on a purchase, as well as terms and general conditions to the portal use.

We please indicate to read our Privacy Statement before formalise the order. When using this WEBSITE or doing any order through this one, the client consent to still vinculated for this Conditions and for our Privacy Statement, consequently, if you do not agree with all Conditions and the Privacy Statement, you should not to place an order.

  1. Contract purpose

The present particular conditions of the online purchasing will be applied to any purchase of any product placed in the WEBSITE completed for clients who have their delivery location in Spain, Andorra, Gibraltar or Portugal.

The prices of any jewlery and complements will be indicated in the web site in the order execution date. The prices are detailed in every item, taxes and fees included. The amount of shipping costsand any other services will be specified and will be indicated to the client in dissagregated way in the moment of making the order.

The service of purchase through the WEBSITE regulated in the present Particular Conditions only allows the product purchase and services to over 18 years old persons and delivery site address in Spain, Andorrra, Gibralar or Portugal.

CRIPTORO S.L. reserves the right to cancel the client access account if is detected fraudulent acts, speculative or bad faith in the use of mentioned service.

CRIPTORO S.L. Will modify and update, if deems it appropiate, items ans prices in accordance on a company commercial basis althought the changes will not affect to the products that have been accepted.

All orders of products are subject to the avaliability and, in this sense, if there are difficulties in the supply, or there are not more items in stock, will be proceed to cancel the order and refund any amount that client could be credited.

  1. Contracting procedure

The present information and the allocated details in the WEBSITE do not constitute a sales offer, but also an invitation to make business. Will not exist any contract between the client and CRIPTORO S.L. in relation with any product until the order has been expressly accepted by CRIPTORO S.L. (even when is credited in his/her account). If the offer is not accepted and would be already charged in his/her account, the amouont will be totally refunded.

To make an order, the client has to follow the online purchase procedure and click on “buy”. After that, will receive an email with the invoice attached (order confirmation). It should be borne in mind that does not mean that your order would not be accepted, because just means a offer to Criptoro S.L., for purchase one or more products. All orders are subject to be accepted by CRIPTORO S.L. that will confirm the acceptance sending an email in which will inform that the product is being sent (shipment confirmation). The contract for the product purchase between CRIPTORO S.L. and the client (Contract) will be formalise when would be send to the client the Shipment Confirmation with the corresponding invoice.

Will be contract’s object only those products releated in the Shipment Confirmation. CRIPTORO S.L. will not be obligated to provide any other product that could be subject of a order for the client until will be confirmed the shipment in a inpedendent Shipment Confirmation.

Even can exist exeptional circumstances (attending to the Law 10/2010 28th april, prevention anti-money laundering and terrorism financing) that requeries to decline the proccessing to any order after being sent the order confirmation. CRIPTORO S.L. reserves the right to proceed any time, to his own discretion.

  1. Payment obligations

3.1. Payment

The product’s price will be the stipulated in every moment in the WEBSITE, unless in case of manifest error. Despite that CRIPTORO S.L., tries to ensure that all prices showed in the WEBSITE are correct, errors may occur. If CRIPTORO S.L. discovers an error in the price of the products that the client would ordered, CRIPTORO S.L. after informing him/her as soon as possible, will proceed to cancel the order. If CRIPTORO S.L., unable to reach the client, the order is considered cancel and will be fully refunded of the amount previously paid by the client.

CRIPTORO S.L. is not oblgated to provide products (even after the Shipment Confirmation is sent) if the error in price is obvious unequivocal and might have been reasonably recognized by the client as an uncorrect price.

The prices of CRIPTORO S.L. products, may vary, but (unless previously established) the possible changes will not affect to the orders with regard to those that already have been sent a Shipment Confirmation.

Given the circumstances for the online purchase, the price of products indicated in the WEBSITE is referred only and exclusively to the proceeded purchase in the WEBSITE, without has to match with the public sale price of he establishments CRIPTORO S.L. according to the prevous mentioned, the price indicatedin the WEBSITE only will be considered binding for those online purchase and in any way releated with the establishments of CRIPTOTO S.L.

The prices of the Web includes the IVA (Spanish taxes) but exclude the shipment fees, that will be added to the total debt amount and will be indicated to the client in disaggregated form.

Once the client has made his/her purchases, all items that desire to buy would be added to his/her basket and the next step will be proceed with the order and efffecting the payment. To proceed it the client will follow the next 6 steps:

  1. Click on “my basket” on top of the screen to add the products you wish to buy .
  2. Following click on “buy”
  3. Fulfil and check the contact information, order data, the address you wish to receive the shipment or collection point.
  4. Choose a payment method which you wish to proceed with the purchase.
  5. Will accept the “terms and Conditions”
  6. Will confirm the purchase clicking on “make the order”

Clicking in “Authorize Payment” the client is confirming that holds the credit card.

CRIPTORO S.L. uses Redsys, Stripe, bank transfer or payment by cryptocurrenies to ensure that the payment is done in safe way, (Any of this can be incorporated in the future).

The credit cards will be subject to controls and authorisations for the issuing entity; if the entity does not authorise the payment, CRIPTORO S.L. is not responsible of any delay or miss delivering and, last instance, of formalising the sale contract with the client.

Value added Tax (VAT)

Value added tax (VAT) In accordance with the current regulations, for any purchase made thorugh the Web site will be subject to the Value Added Tax (VAT), that will be calculated at value percentage at the delivering moment.

For the orders with destination to Ceuta and Melilla, the delivering will be exent to the (VAT) without any applied penalty taxes or duty corresponding with the valid regulations in each of them.

3.2. Delivery

The shipment will be effected through the shipping company alien to CRIPTORO S.L. that are committed to deliver the paid product to the address requested by the client in maximum period of:

(the prices and periods indicated in this list are just approximated. This can change according to the products or conditions)

Country/Area Delivery time Price
Península 1-2 days 4,99 €
Baleares 2-3 days 12 €
Ceuta 3-4 days 12 €
Melilla 3-4 days 12 €
Gibraltar 3-4 days 12 €
Portugal 3-4 days 12 €
Andorra 3-4 days 12 €

CRIPTPORO S.L. provide shipments to Canary islands under special conditions in the zone.

This periods can be extended to 45 days for any of the following reasons:

  • Product customization
  • Special items
  • Exeptional circumstances not attributable to CRIPTORO S.L.
  • Product out of stock

If for any reason the order delivering delays between 48-72 hours including the schedule time, we will inform you about this circumstance and will be given an option to continue the purchase establishing a new schedule time or cancelling the orderwith the total refund to the paid price. Is important to consider that, in any case, will not be delivers on saturdays and sundays.

For the purpose of the present Conditions, will be understood that the shipping has been delivered in the moment of sing the reception in the convenient location.

The product risks will be under client charge since the delivering moment.

The client will acquire the property of the products when the payment of the all amount owed included the delivering costs, would be received.

The order amount equals to or higher than 99€ will not have delivery costs.

  1. Cancellation

The client has right to cancel the contract within the FOURTEEN (14) calendar days after the item receivment.

For the contract finalisation the client is required to access on his/her personal are in the period indicated and fulfil the returns form, with the items detail. The courirer will take it as soon as possible without any cost or is allowed to return the item in the selected shop within a period of 7 days.

Formalising the cancellation and returned the item with the original package and the brand seal in perfect condition, will be proceed the refunding of the amount as quickly as possible, and in any case, in fourteen calendar days after the moment that CRIPTORO S.L. has receive the client cancellation.

Will be refunded all received payments, included delivery costs (if would be applied). The authorised method to the refunding will be the same of the payment. If the choosed payment method was cash on delivery the refund will be done via bank transfer to the client’s bank account.

Cancellation Form

The client will receive the cancellation form with his/her order in case would be neccesary might contain the following information:

  • At the CRIPTORO S.L. attention Calle Goya 83, 7D 28001 Madrid Spain
  • For the present I inform you that I refuse the purchase contract (order data) of the following items: (description as appear in the website)
  • Ordered on (date)… and received on (date)…
  • Client’s name:
  • Client’s address:
  • Client’s signature:
  • Date:

In those cases that the devolution or change of product acquired is accompained with a promotional gift, the item devolution obliges the gift’s devolution, in same condition that was delivered. Because of in case the gift could not be returned or would not be in the same conditions that was delivered, will not be admit the devolution of the product that gave the right to the gift, unless would be made the payment of the mentioned gift.

  1. Product Guarantee

CRIPTORO S.L. offers to his clients his highest quality products and services.

Given the special characteristics of the commercialised products by CRIPTORO S.L. in his web site, exist minor differences between each product or service acquired, due to, fundamentally, in the singularity and exclusivity of all of them and each materials and stones used in his confections that is, also, artisanal. Because of that, there are not two poducts or services in CRIPTORO S.L. exactly the same and, in any case, is unavoidable that the product differs slightly to the shown in the pictures included in the purchase proccess on the website (even althought would be the same one). In any case, these differences involve the products delivering or services with worse material quality that the mentioned expressly in the Portal. Likewise, the client keeps informed and is aware that the pictures size contained in the portal do not correspond with the real size of the CRIPTORO S.L. products offered.

For this, the client keep informed and expressly consent to this circumstnaces and differences, without them could be cause of contract cancellation.

In any case, without damage of the established at the beginning of the section, the CRIPTORO S.L. products acquired by the cleint through the purchase proccess established in the WEBSITE include the legal guarantee of the consumption goods, this is, his accordance with his description in the WEBSITE and with this Particular Conditions

CRIPTORO S.L. respond of the lack of conformity that are apparent in a two years period since the delivery. The consumer must disclose to the seller his/her non-conformities with the contract in the period of two months since was aware about it. The disrespect of mentioned period will not result the right lost on corresponding sanitation being reponsible the client, however, liquidated damages effectivelly caused by the communication delay. In any case, is excluded the guarantee releated to those defects caused by uncorrect use, and also, in general all those excluded by valid European Union Law.

  1. Competent jurisdiction and applicable law

For any controversy caused by this online purchase contract will be competence of the spanish court. At the same time will be applicable the spanish law (Refunded text of teh General Law for the defense of consumers and users) in all this that is not forseen in the current contract.

The European Commission offers a platform for the alternative conflicts resolution, whereby is possible to access in the following link: CRIPTORO S.L. is not adhered to any association and organization that offers a extrajudicial system of conflicts resolutions

  1. Intellectual and industrial property

All those contents (including graphic desing, source code, logos, texts, graphics, illustrations, photografies, commercial names, brands or distintive signs and any elements that appears in the WEBSITE), unless is expressly the otherwise, are propperty exclusively of CRIPTORO S.L. or thirds.

Is not yield to the cleint any right of the intellectual or industrial propperty about the WEBSITE neither about any of his integral elements, keeping expressly forbidden to the client the reproduction, transformation, distribuition, public communication, made avaliable, extraction, reutilization, reshipment or utilization of any nature, by any means or procedure, of any of them, unless in the cases that is legaly allowed os would be authorised by the owne of the corresponding rights.

The client can visualize and obtain a private temporally copy of the contents for his exclusive personal use, private and not effective in his computer systems (software and hardware), as long as would not be with the purpose to create collective activities or commercial nature or professional. The client will must to avoid to obtain, or try to obtain, the contents by means or different rpocedures to which in each case have been make avaliable to him or indicated to the effect or of which ones are commonly used in internet (whenever this ones do not cause risk or damage or unutilisation of the WEBSITE). The client will must respect at all times all intellectual, industrial and propperty rights about the WEBSITE, ownered by CRIPTORO S.L. or thirds.

In any event, CRIPTORO S.L. reserves the right to modify, in any moment and without need to prior notice, the presentation and configuration of the WEBSITE, as well as this Particular Conditions.